BITTER because this is the day we took Tre to college. The day our baby was leaving us to start a new chapter in his life. The day Tre declared his independence. The day we spent many, many, many hours preparing him for. The day that most parent wish would hurry up and get here(especially during those teen years) but are sad when it does finally arrive. Bitter because this is the day Melvin and I become official "Emptynesters"- wait THAT'S SWEEEEET!
Take a glimpse at our life on
Aug 20, 2008Our day started off as most - we had to wake Tre up and get him started. He did a good job of getting most of his things together, but he still had some more packing to do.

We finally got everything loaded in the car and off to BALL STATE we go...

...but not before stopping to get some lunch. Tre's choice- ARBY's

We finally arrived on Ball State Campus in front of Studebaker dorm- Tre's offical home for the next year, 8th floor, room 817.

The move in went very smoothly. There were tons of people to help with guidance and directions and even members of various sororities and fraternities to help unload your car and take things up to your room.
Being on the 8th floor has its pluses...look at the view from his room!

Tre...taking it all in!

After we got everything wiped off and unpacked, we headed to the bookstore so Tre could get his books. We knew this would be a breeze because during orientation we pre-paid for his books and they told us they would have all his books packed and ready to go, all he would need to do was show his student id.
Here is Melvin and Tre walking to the bookstore. I can only imagine the conversation Melvin was having with Tre! I'm sure it started with
Now Son... 
Look how organized the bookstore was...

Tre waiting his turn in line.

Tre looking really excited about all the knowledge he would gain from the material in the books he was holding!!!

On the way back to his room to drop off his books, I found the perfect place for Tre. A place that I could only wish he would spend lots of time in...

We went to Target to pick up a few more items and some snacks, then to dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise.
We took Tre back to his dorm and said our good-byes, but not before two more pictures.

In parting we reminded Tre of three things...
Keep God first
Study hard
Make wise choices
AUG 20, 2008 - A BITTERSWEET DAY! The day my baby...