Our shoot started in her back yard with her dog Rodman. Stacy has really cute orange and pink adirondack chairs on here patio, so I thought it would be cute to get a picture of her sitting in one and Rodman in the other one..you know like you see in the magazines. Well, he wasn't having it and a pet photographer I am not! I did, however, manage to get a cute picture of them together.

Our next stop was at a new hotel in Carmel...Renaissance. The decor in this hotel is absolutely beautiful. It's very modern, swanky, classy and colorful. The employees are extremely nice and even took us on a tour! It's definitely a must for anyone looking for a venue that's different from your typical venue.

Our next stop was "downtown" Carmel.

We weren't finished yet. After a trip to McDonald's for drinks, we went to a mansion that has a really cool gate that I have always wanted to get pictures of. Stacy was all for getting her picture taken there...even though it's on private property and I told her of previous stories where I have been kicked off private property. Did I mention she was open to anything.
So off we go...the shoot started off pretty good.

So far, so good, so I decided to really get creative. I asked Stacy to lie on her back and put her feet on the gate. Without hesitation, she did! I took about 2 shots, adjusted my settings, all the while she is lying on the ground with her feet on the gate of a house that's on the market for 20 million dollars. I was trying to go as fast as I could so that we wouldn't get caught by security, but as I turned around, the security car was right behind me.
So I tell Stacy...there's security. She thinks I joking and replied...no it's not. So I tell her again...THERE'S SECURITY- GET YOUR FEET DOWN. At that point we were busted...the guard got out of his car and Stacy off the ground. We explained we were just taking pictures and he was nice enough to let us finish.
This is what I got...

Stacy, I can't thank you enough for your willingness and kindness. I look forward to our next shoot.
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