One of my assignments for a photography class I am taking was to go out and take pictures of colors. The color had to fill the frame and no more than two or three colors could be in the picture. I went out one day and look everywhere but I didn't see anything with color that I wanted to take a picture of. Yeah, I saw the green grass and the red and white stop sign, but that didn't inspire me/motivate me. I couldn't find ANYTHING! So, I packed up my camera and went home. Not to be defeated, I went out the next day and again, I saw the same green grass, and that same red and white stop sign and again I packed up my gear and headed home. But this time, as I took my normal route, I passed a construction site and saw...

But it didn't stop there. Melvin and I went to store and I took my camera in with me...and color was everywhere. Look....

Right outside my front door, I saw this...

Color is everywhere, you just have to take the time to see it.
Isn't it so true that as a photographer you look at everything differently! I would have loved to see you in the grocery store taking photos. I bet the produce man thought you were nuts!!
love ur new wk I new u had
a great talent...... I love it:)
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