Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

On Saturday, I met up with the Vance family for a photo shoot. At my last photo session, Tre was my assistant but this time Melvin decided he would go with me. He and I are both still talking about how much fun we had. We shared our Saturday afternoon with a really down to earth, fun and loving family. I couldn't have asked for a better session!! is your sneak peek. I have alot more pics to show you and I can't wait to get them all edited.


Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous location! The family is pretty gorgeous too! Yu did a great job on these!

Shannon Kelley said...

Great job! Love the momma with her girls picture!

EC said...

These are lovely! A great location, beautiful subjects, you have got to love that combination. You did a wonderful job with these!

~Jen~ said...

Wow, what a fabulous location! You got some really sweet shots! Nice work!

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

Tijuana this location is beautiful and fits perfect for a family session
well done, nice family

Karen Johnson said...

What a lovely family and a beautiful location to capture them in :)

Gillian Foley said...

I am LOVIN' the one of mum and her girls!! These are all awesome! This family will be stoked for sure!

Stephanie Shirley said...

What an adorable family! Love the shot of Mom and her girls!

Unknown said...

oh, I love the one of the three girls. Adorable!

Rhonda said...

aww love the one of the girls. Great job!

Erin said...

Love this location, gorgeous! Great photograph's, I'm sure they love them!

My Crafty Mama said...

wonderful background for this session and I love that second photo!

Unknown said...

Wowzer!!! What a beautiful beautiful family!!!!

JClegg said...

That second shot is absolutely adorable! Great job!