Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just Because...

...I LOVE him and he let me take these pictures!!! Yep, Nicholas actually sat still for 1.2 seconds to let me take pictures of him! I actually have several more, but I figure you didn't want to see the back of his head, the ones with his eyes closed or the one where he had his face buried in the grass!!


Stacey Lund said...

Your son is cute! Great pictures!

Legacy Portraits said...

Is he not the cutest!! He has the sweetest face.

EC said...

He is so stinking cute I can barely stand it! Great shots!

Summer said...

I love love the last one! You've got a keeper for sure!

Gabe and Layla's mommy said...

He is so handsome!! Glad you got some good shots of him - I know what a pain that can be! Esp w/a boy!!!
Sue Ann

Anonymous said...

Well at least your little guy will sit still for 1.2! That's more than I get! He is so adorable, I always love seeing that smiling face of his!

Krista said...

He is so cute!! I think the 2nd one is awesome!!

My Crafty Mama said...

That second shot is perfect...always love his smile...those catchlights are Amazing!

Unknown said...

I just love that face! His smile is to die for.

Anonymous said...

He is just darling! His eyes sparkle! Wonderful catchlights! You are so blessed with this handsome boy!

Unknown said...

Just darling!! Always! Brings a smile to my face!

Sharon said...

He's so cute, how can you resist? And so photogenic. I love his shirt in these.

Shannon Kelley said...

So cute! Love his eyes!

Rowlen Photography said...

He's SOOO Stinking Cute

Jeannette Chirinos said...

Tijuana, I really understands what yuo say, My oldest, counts the clicks that comes from my camera and he says, 3 pics, 4 pics... mom that is enough... lol
your kid is so adorable, I really enjoy his smile

MPH Photography said...

I absolutely adore his smile, he's one cute little boy.

Rhonda said...

Love the new logo. reat job T the bokeh is nice!