I thought for sure this would be easy because I had a great bribe - the Easter Basket! Yes, I would stoop so low as to withhold the Easter basket until I got ONE picture. I get my backdrop stand set up, my camera is ready and the Easter basket is right by my side...not to be opened until I get my ONE picture!
So this is how my photo shoot with Nicholas went:
Me: Come on Nicholas you can open your Easter basket after Nana gets ONE picture.
Nicholas: okay
Me: Stand right here and Nana is going to take a picture of you.
Nicholas: I want a Easter basket.
Me. Okay, but let's take the picture first.
Nicholas: Okay
Me: Look right here at Nana.
Nicholas: cheeeessseee
Me: no, don't say cheeeesseee, just look at Nana
Nicholas: he looks down, instead of at me!
Me: Okay Nicholas...Nana has a BIIIGGG basket for you, but you have to take one picture
NIcholas: I don't want a Easter basket...then he gives me that sneaky grin(picture bottom right)!

Me: I had to do something, the Easter basket was my Saving Grace! If he didn't want the Easter basket I would never get him to take a picture. So I said, Look, you want play with the coloring book that's in the basket!
Nicholas: Starts to fake a cry and wiping his eyes! I want my Mommie!
Me: Okay, as soon as you take a picture we will go get your Mommie! But if you don't take I picture, I'm going to get you (I tickle his tummy). I get a laugh, but again his eyes are closed. Okay, one more!
Nicholas: Nooooo, I not want a picture! I need tissue (as he is playing in his nose)!
Me: Oh Nicholas, let's go in and wash your hands!

After much begging, pleading, and bribing. I finally get two pictures that I can work with!