I thought for sure this would be easy because I had a great bribe - the Easter Basket! Yes, I would stoop so low as to withhold the Easter basket until I got ONE picture. I get my backdrop stand set up, my camera is ready and the Easter basket is right by my side...not to be opened until I get my ONE picture!
So this is how my photo shoot with Nicholas went:
Me: Come on Nicholas you can open your Easter basket after Nana gets ONE picture.
Nicholas: okay
Me: Stand right here and Nana is going to take a picture of you.
Nicholas: I want a Easter basket.
Me. Okay, but let's take the picture first.
Nicholas: Okay
Me: Look right here at Nana.
Nicholas: cheeeessseee
Me: no, don't say cheeeesseee, just look at Nana
Nicholas: he looks down, instead of at me!
Me: Okay Nicholas...Nana has a BIIIGGG basket for you, but you have to take one picture
NIcholas: I don't want a Easter basket...then he gives me that sneaky grin(picture bottom right)!

Me: I had to do something, the Easter basket was my Saving Grace! If he didn't want the Easter basket I would never get him to take a picture. So I said, Look, you want play with the coloring book that's in the basket!
Nicholas: Starts to fake a cry and wiping his eyes! I want my Mommie!
Me: Okay, as soon as you take a picture we will go get your Mommie! But if you don't take I picture, I'm going to get you (I tickle his tummy). I get a laugh, but again his eyes are closed. Okay, one more!
Nicholas: Nooooo, I not want a picture! I need tissue (as he is playing in his nose)!
Me: Oh Nicholas, let's go in and wash your hands!

After much begging, pleading, and bribing. I finally get two pictures that I can work with!

LOVE these T!! He is such a handsome little man and you have captured him perfectly!
Love these girl!!! Sometimes it takes just that to bribe them.
Taquita J
Oh do I know how that is, lol! But when u get the shots, it's priceless. Great post!
LOVE the dialogue! Made me giggle. He is so handsome! Miss you girl! XO
I can relate!! I usually bribe with getting a new toy out of our reward box. He is a cutie though.
I can't stop laughing....love this post!! Great story to go with the shots :)
Tijuana I exactly know what you mean, I have to bribe my 4 years boy too, and he only le me to take 4 to 5 piucs, he count the clicks, can you imagine that
anyways, he is adrabe, I love his outfut and I did not see the easter basket lol
Cute shots!
Too funny, he has a great smile!
Oh that was so funny. Reminds me alot of what I go through with mine. Love all of these, it will be great to look back on these when he gets older, and the 2 shots that you finally got of him at the end there are perfect.
How adorable! Love his little suit.
The only way I can get my older son to smile is to let him say bad words. (Fortunately, bad to a 6 year old isn't *that* bad)
I have the most difficult time getting shots of my kids - I need to buckle down and just do it. I think you had the perfect strategy and patience paid off - those shots are adorable - he is just precious. His eyes just shine!
ah, I have the same thing with my two year old. Love the pics, even the ones of him being silly but what memories:)
Awesome!! Too funny. Reminds me so much of my boy! Love the last 2. Great job and such a handsome lil man you got there!!
ROFL...awe hugs T! He is soooo cute and like any photographer. NO it ain't easy taking pics of your own kids. Too sweet. xx Quite dapper too LOL.
Great story.....gives me so much hope with Beckett....haha!! He's so cute in his Easter suit!
I even use bribery on teens sometimes. These are so cute. I love all of those expressions.
Seriously he's SOOO Precious!
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