Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hi Jalen...

I had the opportunity to capture the laughs and smiles of a very happy little boy! I had to work really hard for the laughs and smiles, but I eventually got a few.

Stacy...here are two pictures to hold you over until I can get the others edited!!!


Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

I love it girl
the prop is amazing and he fits so great in there..
nice young boy... and he act like a model, posing :)
beautiful work

EC said...

What a cutie and his eyes look amazing! Beautiful!

Mel Chern said...

Very cute images. #3 is my favorite of this set.

~Jen~ said...

Completely adorable! I love #1!

Rhonda said...

cutie! Nice eyes!

Gillian Foley said...

What a chubba-bubba!! He is totally squishable! Love your prop too!

My Crafty Mama said...

The first pic came up and I said what a cutie! I love #1 you did great!

Erin said...

Love his big brown eyes, what a heartbreaker!

MPH Photography said...

Fantastic shots, look at that face and those big brown eyes, I just want to squish. Great job on these.

Anonymous said...

He is a cutie pie!! Love them all!

Shannon Kelley said...

such a cutie!

Becky said...

What a cutie pie!!!!!! Great job Tyjuana.