Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Air Show

A couple of weeks ago, we went out to see the Indianapolis Air Show. It's always exciting for me to see how the pilots maneuver those planes. But this year I had an alternative motive. I just got my 70-200 lens and I wanted to take it on a test drive!! Also, I have never taken pictures like this, so it was a new challenge for me.

Here are a few of the pics...


My Crafty Mama said...

When my ex was in the airforce and we lived on the base I got to enjoy lots of these airshows. Fun for everyone! Nice job using your big lens!

EC said...

Very cool! I bet that was a great experience, watching them do all those incredibly precise moves with those big planes.70-200? I'm jealous!

Mel Chern said...

Fun images, I've never been to an air show. Must try to find one near me in the future.

Unknown said...

Oh how cool is this! I love it!

Shannon Kelley said...

very cool! I have never seen one and always thought they would be awesome to see! Great pics!

Anonymous said...

Great shots! They look like toy planes up in the air! YOu did great with your new lens!

Rhonda said...

Love air shows! Great chance to try out lense for sure!

Patricia Stuever said...

Love the blue angels. My DH is USMC vet so we went a couple times.

~Jen~ said...

Great shots! And congrats on the new glass!

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

congratulations on your new toy :)
it get amazing pics, id you enjoy it? looks like huh

Gillian Foley said...

Great shots! That lens is awesome, eh?!!