Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jalen and Kylie

You may remember Jalen from my post a couple of weeks ago, but this is Kylie's first appearance on my blog, but hopefully not her last. She was very comfortable in front of the camera and my camera loved her...really LOVED her!! I could have snapped pics of her all day!

Her little cousin on the other hand had his own agenda!!! He is more into climbing, walking(yes, he has started walking since our last session) and putting anything he can find in his mouth. Those are all the signs of a BUSY little boy!!! During the times he slowed down just a little, I was able to capture some cute pictures of him, which makes it all worthwhile!!!

Kylie's dad got in on the action too!

...and one more from Jalen's 1st session!


Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

Tyjuana, wonderful work
love the 2nd shot, adorable face she showing there

~Jen~ said...

Love those genuine smiles! Great work!

Rhonda said...

the the second one of Kylie. Good job

My Crafty Mama said...

I love the one of Kylie holding Jalen. So sweet.

Legacy Portraits said...

Adorable! Great work!!

Anonymous said...

Those dimples are so stinkin' cute! Great pics of the kids!

Stephanie Shirley said...

Love the one of Kylie and Dad together!

EC said...

omgosh! cute, cute, cute!!! Love the second shot!!!

Shannon Kelley said...

so cute!!

Tiffany Lense said...

Very nice!

MPH Photography said...

She's so pretty and he's such a cutie. Wonderful shots.

Anonymous said...

Kylie is adorable and I bet she loves you to photograph her! I love the storyboard of Jalen, it's really cute!

BIGTRAIN said...