Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Competition

I am all about sharing my "limited" knowledge about photography to most anyone! There are MANY, MANY, MANY photographers that have been so kind and generous to share info with me, so the least I can do is pay it forward! BUT, when someone comes and tries to take over, I am not so willing to help them.

A week or so ago I went to take pictures of Nicholas' new puppy and there was another photographer there! I got everything setup and I hear, "move Nana, I take picture"!

Meet my competition...

How cute is this!


Unknown said...

He is soooo seriously cute!

Carrianne Photography said...

so adorable...he is precious!!

PD said...

way to shoot Nicholas...too cute and oh lordy I love Princess. What a doll..have fun!!!

Stacey Lund said...

He is so cute. Great pictures.

My Crafty Mama said...

lol I was totally thinkin',"Oh no they didn't try to take over!" Till I read move over Nana. He is too cute! Love it.

Gillian Foley said...

Awww lol Love the 'competition' :P

Summer said...

I think this competition is going to be hard to beat! CUTE!

Wiseman Photography said...

These are so cute!!! You'd better watch out...I smell competition!!! ;-)

♥ Leia Everett-Reeves ♥ said...

Girl, you better watch out!! lol! He is ADORABLE And he could be my competition any day!

Leia Reeves

EC said...

hahahaha!!! At first, I though, "Uh-oh" but then when I saw the pics all I could do was giggle! That is some cute competition you have there!

4Hendos said...

Awwwwww! Look at him chimping the LCD too! love it! What a doll!!

Sarah Henderson Photography

Sharon said...

Totally cute. Reminds me of my 8 year old grandson who also takes pictures and has the same camera, though he tells me he is ready for a "big person's" camera now.

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

Tijuanna let me tell you that you shoud be aware of this boy, remember fresh and young mind are our really competition (lol)
he is adorable and your pictures super beautiful

Jenny Jardine said...

He is too cute! Love the pic's!!

MPH Photography said...

Ok, he is the cutest competition ever!!! I think you have a protege on your hands.

Rhonda said...

so adorable. I love the camera shot

Gabe and Layla's mommy said...

LOL - give a kid a camera!! SO cute!!! - Sue Ann

Charlotte said...

that is too sweet! Like Mommy like son! LOVE IT!

Karen Johnson said...

lol ohhhh very very cute, such cool photos Tyjuana :-)

Christie Lacy said...


Rowlen Photography said...

Seriously you know you have one of the cutest little boys EVER right??
I LOVE the first one

Anointed Touch Photography said...

OMG. Tyjuana he is so cute. Indeed he did take over. Love the pics.