Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Puppy Love!

Happy New Year!!!

I know...it's been awhile since I have posted on my blog, but I'm BACK! Exciting things are happening for me and my photography venture and I will be sharing them with you!

First, I must share with you the new addition to the Lewis family! Nicholas has a puppy and he absolutely loves her! I thought for sure he would be afraid of her, but that's not the case. Meet PRINCESS(named by Nicholas)!

Here are a few pictures from her 1st official photo shoot!


My Crafty Mama said...

oh she is just too cute and tiny. What a great name he picked out too.

Can't wait to hear what is new!

Stacey Lund said...

Such a beautiful puppy. I love all your pictures!

Summer said...

She is SO adorable!! What a great addition to your family!

EC said...

oh my gosh, cute, cute, CUTE!!!! I see lots of fun photo ops in your future!!!

♥ Leia Everett-Reeves ♥ said...

OH I JUST LOVE HER!!! She is too precious!! :)

Leia Reeves Photography

Unknown said...

look at how teeny she is!!!

4Hendos said...

Awe! How freakin' adorable! Such GREAT shots!

Sarah Henderson Photography

Rhonda said...

Princess is cute but does not hold a candle to Nicholas and the expression on his face. WOW I just want to squeeze him he is sooooooo cute

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, these are adorable!! It will be so fun to look back on these years from now!!

Amber Rhodes-Lapoint said...

omg. she's so cute! What kind of puppy is she??

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

Oh that a is beautiful puppy
My son is driving me crazy about having a pet, he wants 5 fishes and 1 dog lol can you imagine that
your so must be very happy

Sharon said...

there is no end to the utter cuteness in these shots. And done with such skill. Beautiful work!

Rowlen Photography said...

OMG cute cute cute CUTE!!!

Charlotte said...

How freaking cute are these? Girl! You are rocking it!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Gillian Foley said...

Awwww Gorgeous images! She is just divine!!

Christie Lacy said...

so so sweet!

Wiseman Photography said...

So adorable!!! Both Nicholas and the puppy!!! What a fantastic addition to the family. I see many cute pics in your future!!!

Shannon Kelley said...

so cute!!! Great job on capturing them too...those little puppies and kids are fast!

MPH Photography said...

OMGoodness, I don't know which of them is cuter, ok, I know, Nicholas is the cutest kid and Princess is the cutest dog, put them together and they equal adorable!!lol.