Monday, July 7, 2008


Most of the time when I take pictures I focus so much on the technical aspect of photography that I miss out on some special moments. This time I decided to just go and take pictures and not worry about my settings or composition. These are not technically correct, but it's a special time in Nicholas' life that we have pictures to look back on.

On Sunday, Melvin and I met Beth, Lederic and Nicholas at the carnival that's was set up not far from our house.

I have other pictures to post that I took prior to these, but there is one picture posted here that I just truly adore...guess which one?!!!

Nicholas absolutely LOVED riding the train...I think his Pawpaw enjoyed it too!!!

Wave at Mommy, Daddy and Nana...

I love this picture...

What's a carnival without games!~! Nicholas played the Duck Hunt game and guess what....HE WON!!!!

What did he win....a HORN!!! That's right for $3.00 he won a horn! The cost didn't matter, he was having such a good time...and that's PRICELESS!

I hope you enjoyed your 4th of July holiday!!!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Once again, I really enjoy your blog.