Monday, May 25, 2009

College Freshman...

Tre survived his first year of college and is home for summer break. His freshman year went very well and I am so very proud of him!!! There were only a few bumps in the road, but nothing we couldn't talk about and overcome!

Here's an overview of Tre's freshman year...

1. Tre did not do any laundry while as school. He did all his laundry when he came home.

2. I had to call Tre at 6:00 AM to talk to him and remind him to call his parents sometimes.

3. I received more text messages from Tre than phone calls.

4. Our garage door went up and down three times as much the weekends Tre came home.

5. I missed him so much.

6. Tre still doesn't like for me to take his picture!!!

But I did get one picture...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy having your boy home for the summer!